Configuration parameters |
ship name |
Zhongshan |
total length |
114.3 meters |
type width |
19.4 meters |
total power |
645kWh |
Configuration p話歌arameters |
Briefly |
The 6,000-ton scientific rese小少arch ship of Sun Yat-sen University, a中相s a new generation of marine comprehen森分sive scientific research ships草能, is the first domestic sc市吃ientific researc內又h ship to adopt the hyb雜美rid mode of the combination desig來和n of DC busbar 為北+ energy storage battery, which 慢又integrates several first tec雜房hnological innovations.時亮 "Sun Yat-sen Univer海生sity" attaches great impor他做tance to green env術近ironmental performance, meets the la水師test international emiss志嗎ion requirements, and will obt你船ain the clean mark of China Classificat短藍ion Society to ensure that the 村購impact on the atmosp舞店heric environment, water and oth員的er scientific investigations is月暗 minimized.
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