The first voyage of the East Lake Pure 謝金Electric Animation Boat was suc間志cessful


2019-05-05 00:00:00.000


Wuhan East Lake Ecotourism Scenic 飛下Area, the second large風玩st lake in China, is lo技兵cated in the central urban ar有動ea of Wuhan, Hubei Province, and is a 多作national 5A-level站腦 tourist scenic一低 spot, a national civilized scenic to兒做urism demonstrat看學ion point, and the first bat有懂ch of national 水爸key scenic spots. Ch但雨airman Mao Zedong loved Eas小要t Lake all his life, calling it &q去金uot;the place o藍媽f white clouds and yellow cranes&qu好鄉ot;. Motor vessels operating 們但in the waters of East Lake must u火窗se non-polluting new en電吧ergy sources such as為新 pure electric or哥裡 solar energy as 冷公the main power source. On this maide紅船n voyage, the ship's equipment is科弟 in good operation, and物湖 the maneuverability答西 fully meets the design re下低quirements! Green water and green mount吃樂ains are gold and silver mountains! Pr我就actice the green都中 concept and help玩車 the development of electric ships! Giv家劇e the world a cl到子ean future! The path that Ruishen 草子people have been purs計但uing...



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